Oil & Gas


Methane is a greenhouse gas that is 80x more harmful than CO2 and responsible for 25% of global warming. With 1/3 of methane emissions originating from the oil & gas industry, there is clear regulatory and financial driven need to limit such leaks. 40% of emissions are fixable at zero net cost and it is undeniable that the optimal path to getting there relies on continuous leak detection. There is a clear unmet need for large scale, pervasive leak monitoring provided by IoT compatible gas sensors.



Refrigerants are extremely harmful greenhouse gasses and as such international regulations have imposed their phasing out and replacement with environmentally friendlier materials. However, new refrigerants are flammable therefore regulations require leak detection systems in place to ensure safety. Leading equipment manufacturers are currently incorporating detectors into their products confirming a clear regulation-driven market need for persistent leak monitoring that require compact, cheap sensors in commercial and residential cooling applications.

Air Quality


People spend 90% of their time indoors. Indoors air is 5 to 100 times worse than outdoor air quality and results in productivity loss, fatigue, headaches as well as respiratory and heart disease. Poor air quality causes >3M deaths annually (more than HIV & malaria), costs governments >$5T annually in lost workdays and welfare costs. Furthermore, following the COVID-19 pandemic there is significant regulatory push driving the air quality market and the need for maintaining high air quality in living and working spaces.

Other Applications

Medical Diagnosis


Threat Detection

Industrial Safety

Agrotech & Food
